Emma Corbet
A Beautiful Collection of Traditional Lullabies & Songs in Spanish
"Es una invitación a reencontrar en nosotros los ecos de esas voces conmovedoras y a sequir tendiendo lazos entre generaciones."
It's an invitation to find the echoes of these moving voices within ourselves and to carry them on by creating bonds between generations.
The authors and artists who created this book wrote it for adults and children, mothers and fathers, grandparents and caregivers to share with the little ones in their lives and to encourage the forging of ties between generations through beautiful songs and lullabies.
While I'm researching books and content for Beautiful Mundo, I sometimes come across things like this that are really too gorgeous not to share. The illustrations and feel of this book is truly special. It has earned a very special place on my bookshelf and in my heart.
I came across Teresa Usandivaras' name somewhere and was digging around in the depths of the Internet when I saw a little picture of this book on a website in Spanish. Stumbling upon people and the incredible things they have created is one of the things I love most about the journey Beautiful Mundo is taking me on.
There are just over 60 song lyrics included in this book and 18 of them have been recorded on a CD that's included at the back of this book. I found these recordings to be really lovely and they have become a cherished part of our new bedtime routine.
I can't always include all the wonderful books I discover in the Beautiful Mundo volumes because some titles are either not available in the United States, out of print, or are harder to find in libraries and too expensive to buy.
The good news is this one is still somewhat easily purchased online. There are several smaller bookstores that offer it for about $20-$25 and it's also currently available on Amazon.
The illustrations in Nidos que arrullan by Laura Varsky, an artist in Buenos Aires, Argentina, are breath-taking. She has an incredible portfolio of work on her website to explore and I encourage you to check it out!
Honestly, this book is more for me than the kids.