Favorite Resources
Links to all of my favorite learning resources
​Explore free information about countries all around the world. Learn quick facts about the geography, people, history, and culture of Spanish-speaking countries.
Free and thoughtfully compiled unit studies on countries around the world.
Wonderful posts and recommendations for exploring the world through art, film, food, books, and more.
Excellent and free Montessori-inspired printable resources, including flags of the world.
​Argentinian music group with lyric and storybooks available for free download from their website.
Latin Grammy award-winning team with roots in Colombia whose joy-filled music emphasizes literacy and educational themes. Free downloadable lyric books.
Cuban musicians who create beautiful music and videos for the young and old. (Truly some of the most beautiful music videos I have ever seen.)
A music teacher and founder of the pedagogy, and musical school, called Risas de la Tierra in Argentina, Magdalena believes music should be an integrated part of the classroom and belongs in the everyday moments of our lives.
Learn about the incredible story of this orchestra from Paraguay.
Latin Grammy award-winner whose music supports bilingualism through his creative blending of English and Spanish in his songs.